Setting a Running Trail


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
What does the speaker say that fast runners sometimes do?
Have to wait for the other runners
Make a new false trail
Go on the wrong trail
Confuse the other runners
What does the speaker say you should not be afraid of in the countryside?
Climbing fences
Getting lost
Getting dirty
Meeting animals
How do the runners make a trail?
With painted wood posts
With signs
With baking flour
With colored paint
What is this talk mainly about?
Why it is fun to run with others
Running in a club
Finding good running trails
Where to run in the countryside
One thing I like to do is running.
And I like doing it with, sort of, a club.
What we do is, one person goes out into the countryside.
And they would go the day before and set a trail.
They would just take regular flour, or sometimes flour mixed with a little powdered paint, and lay out blobs of the flour to set the trail.
But, it's not just a simple trail.
They put in false trails, which means, you've chosen the wrong way and you have to go back.
And, that helps confuse people, and it also helps keep us together, because sometimes some of the faster runners go out, ahead and take the false trail.
Of course, sometimes the slower runners take the false trail too.
Anyway, eventually, everyone tends to get back to the start.
And it's a lot of fun.
And,it's a good way to get out in the countryside and, see places you wouldn't have seen before.
But I wouldn't recommend it if you're afraid of, things like a little bit of mud or a few thorns.