The New Jersey School System


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
What are age groupings based on in the educational system?
National school guidelines
Stages of psychology
Student grades
Number of students per school
Why does the speaker prefer to describe the daily schedule in high schools?
He remembers high school better than his earlier school years.
High school schedules are the most interesting.
High school schedules have the most classes.
He enjoyed his high school schedule the most.
What was the ninth period for?
Help with schoolwork
Advanced placement classes
Sports activities
What does the speaker think about the school buildings in New Jersey?
They need to be modernized.
They need larger front lawns.
They are better than schools in other states.
They are very nice.
I'd like to explain , uh, how our high school, our school system is set up.
Uh, maybe to ease any confusion.
Um, first some school districts uh_ well, i, I'll talk about New Jersey because every state is just a little bit different than, uh, each other.
So in New Jersey it's set up where you, you can go to preschool if you want to.
Uh, this is... an option.
It's not really mandatory.
And then you, you start your public schooling and kindergarten, um, which... I guess would be five six years old, somewhere in there.
And then you go on a first grade and second grade and so forth.
Uh, that wou- usually elementary school is first grade through, third or fourth grade.
And the you get into a middle school which could be a different school altogether.
Uh, where I went it was a different school, so that was from fourth grade to eight grade.
Um, at middle school can also be considered, your junior high school.
Uh some other school districts, your junior high would be seventh grade through ninth grade.
And, uh, that kind of follows along with, uh, your growing stages, and, uh ,everything that you would learn, huh, about adolescent psychology.
Um, why you are grouped in with certain people and a certain age range, so that, uh, you're supposedly more, more comfortable.
And it's a better learning environment.
Although that's up for debate.
Uh, and then, you get into a high school.
Um, which is_ in New Jersey it, it tends to be, uh, from ninth grade to twelfth grade.
Uh, ninth grade would be your freshman year, then tenth would be your sophomore, and then junior and senior year are your eleventh and twelfth.
Um a typical day in a class room.
I, I'll talk about,uh, high school because it has been a quite some time since I was hehehe in, uh, any other class room.
But in high school,um, you wake up, and my high school we went_ uh, we had homeroom to start the day and that's where you_ uh, usually you meet up, um, with, uh, students of the same letter or same, beginning letter of your last name.
Uh, so I was in the W homeroom.
Um, we uh_ there was about forty of us in there.
Uh, that homeroom that we had, that was the same homeroom we had from ninth to twelfth grade, so if you became good friends with the most of people that were in there.
That meant from seven-fifty to I guess, about ten after eight, so you were in for about twenty minutes.
And you would talk about events coming up in the school, like , a football game or some sporting event, or a, a- assembly, or, uh, some speech, or homecoming.
It was just some kind of high school event that, uh, would be going on or coming up.
Um, then attendance would also be taken for.
Uh, the school during this time.
Um, then you'd go from there to your, uh, first period class.
And we had eight periods, uh, of regular class, and, uh, we also had a ninth period, that was for tutoring or any extra help that you wanted, but that wasn't a regular scheduled, class that you would have.
Um, our classes ranged from, in my high school, uh, in particular, ranged from_ uh, we had home economics class, uh, then from wood shop to stuff like that, to, um, events, labs, we had, uh, a- advanced placement calculus, advanced placement biol- biology, uh, and uh, physics as well.
So we had, uh, some... nice labs with, uh, nice equipment in there, computers and everything was modernized.
Um, my high school in particular, uh, was, I guess, you could consider the classic high school where_ it had pillars in the front lawn and, uh, there was a huge red building, red brick building an, uh, two stories.
And, uh, it was, very nice school.
Uh, and most of the schools are that way.
Uh, if you want to have a picture of our school, I guess, you could just imagine any typical school and that would have_ that was ours.
Um, after your ninth period if you, uh, were involved in sports then_ or a- any other activity, uh, you could be in a band or you could be in a choir or anything like that, and uh, football baseball, uh, that would_ uh, that would proceed after_ the end of the day.
I I believe our school finished at three forty-five which was late for, uh, most high schools.
Um... So i_ oh huhuhu another thing the periods uh_ the length of each classroom was only about forty-two minutes long.
And then you had five minutes to walk in between classes.
So, that just gives you a little bit of idea of_ just a small bit of an idea of what a_ some classroom or some high school in America is.