Why Math is Interesting


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
Why does the speaker hesitate to talk about his interest in math?
He thinks people will ask too many questions.
He thinks people find it unusual.
He thinks people will disagree with his ideas.
He thinks people find it boring.
Why does the speaker think he should explain his interest in math?
He wants to practice explaining about math.
He thinks it helps explain his own ideas.
He is going to become a math teacher.
He believes everyone should understand math.
Why does the speaker think math is interesting?
It is useful in daily life.
It is very rational.
It is easy for him to understand it.
It influences all aspects of our life.
Why do I like math.
Uh, there are many many reasons why I like math.
Um, some of which may seem bizarre or odd to most people.
And, uh, that's why I I hesitate to talk about stuff like this.
But, uh, I feel that if I'm going to be a math teacher, then everyone should know.
Um, math is all around you.
If you look anywhere you go, you're going to see math.
Um, just as... If you_ when you're walking down your sidewalk, and you're going to school or, if you're going to your job, you're always going to have math in your life.
Uh, if you have bills to pay, you're going to have math there.
You're going to have to figure out how to work with numbers.
Um, and beyond that, uh, you can just look at anything in your house, uh, your TV your computer, uh, the radio that you listen to, uh, the computer that you're on right now,
you_ you're dealing with binary systems, and you're dealing with quadratics.
And you're dealing with, all kinds of math, that you may think is silly, or some of you may not, but most people think it's silly or too difficult, or not important later on in life.
Um, but you wouldn't have a lot of things that you do have now.
Even beyond technology and what you're using, uh, you can look in nature, look at your flowers and the, the shape that everything is, uh, set up in, um, that's all geometry.
Uh why_ there's a reason why you have only three leaf clovers and it's rare to have a four leaf clovers.
There's reasons why stars and galaxies are set up the way they are.
It's all_ b_ it can be explained with math.
So anything along those lines_ um, you could think of many many more.
That is why math to me, is one of the more interesting subjects, because everywhere you go, you could use math or find math or be involved with math.
So that is why math to me is, an interesting subject and one that everyone should be involved with.