Health and Training


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
1) Who is given a clerical job
Grade A
Grade C
Grade F
2) People with sweaty palms can't _____ .
hold a rifle
throw a grenade
be in the army
3) Who gets two extra months of BMT?
People with asthma
Overweight people
All recruits
4) What does BMT consist of?
Weight training
Cardio work
Clare: So did you have a choice about what sort of job you were going to have in the military?

Mike: No we don't. Once you enlist you have to go through a ... what do you call ... a health medical check up and you'll be given grade A to F. If you get an F you don't have to serve in the military. And grade A and B you have to, and for grade I think C you have to but you'll be given a clerical job mostly.

Clare: Is there ... can you say how exactly the classification works or is it just the medical people who decide this?

Mike: For example, for a grade C personnel you might have things like a ... what do you call a "ligament laxity" which means it is easy for you to get sprains, ankle sprains or back injuries or stuff like that. And you might have in the past, if you have sweaty palms, that might pass you as grade C because you can't through a grenade but now they don't take that excuse anymore. Another thing is if you're ... if you have a history of asthma attacks ...

Clare: Well I can see why they would not want people who have asthma being a soldier ...

Mike: Right, but if you're obese, that doesn't qualify you for grade C because if you're overweight what they make you to do is spend an extra two months for Basic Military Training

Clare: Ouch..

Mike: ... or what we term as BMT, so for the average Private, or actually recruit, you have to do three months for BMT ...

Clare: Ouch ...

Mike: ... but for obese personnel you have to do up to five months ... so the extra two months is a lot of training, especially cardio training.

Clare: Do you know anyone who had to go through five months of BMT?

Mike: Both of my cousins ... and quite a lot of my friends actually, because Singaporean diet is actually ... yeah, I'll just leave it as that.

Clare: So I imagine if many Americans had to go through that training program, I know I probably would have to take the five months.