

While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
1) Akane's friend _______.
lived in Portugal
was working in Portugal
had family in Portugal
2) Akane learned some Portuguese words _______.
from her friend
from an audio CD
from a phrasebook
3) Akane ate exotic food like _______.
4) Akane spent the New Year _______.
at the beach
at a bar
at a disco
5) Portuguese people eat _______ as a special New Year's food.
Ah, last year, I went to Portugal just after Christmas.
And I stayed there until… well, just after new years this year.
Ah in Portugal, I met up with one of my friends from Toronto.

He had family that lived in Portugal, because his family was originally from Portugal.
So, they were kind enough to let me stay with them.
I didn’t know any Portuguese, except for some simple words like “hello”, and “thank you”. I learned some simple words through an audio CD, before I went there.
 And the people that I stayed with didn’t know very much English either.

However, we got along surprisingly well. They were surprised that I was able to eat some of their exotic foods.

They made some delicious meals every single day, like octopus, tripe and rabbit. It is quite exotic, but I thought it was quite good.

They also made some excellent desserts, like crème caramel, and a rich sponge cake that they call Paon d’lo.

I went to a few cities such as Porto, Amaro, Lisbon and Évora. The new year's celebration on the beaches of nice out it was fantastic. It was really quite a celebration.

We had some champagne and some raisins in Portuguese tradition they eat 12 raisins for each month of the year.

And make a wish for each month. I think that because of my friend and his family I got to experience a part of Portugal that most people wouldn't just by going on vacation. And I really did have a fantastic experience.