Alternative Medicine


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
What is the main characteristic of alternative medicine?
They focus on the problem area.
They use traditional medicine.
They try to avoid side effects.
They try to treat the whole body.
The speaker has difficulty explaining what alternative medicine is. How does she feel about that?
She is frustrated.
She is angry.
She is surprised.
She is disappointed.
What the speaker recommend for a headache?
Do yoga exercises.
Avoid just taking a pill.
Check with your doctor.
Try acupuncture.
What is the main purpose of this talk?
To introduce alternative medicine
To explain how alternative medicine works
To explain why taking pills is bad
To compare alternative medicine with Western medicine
What is alternative medicine.
Well usually when people get sick, they go to the doctor and they get surgery, or they get a pain killer.
Or they get some kind of medication, that has a lot of side effects.
But alternative medicine is where instead of doing those things, you try to treat the whole body using, maybe herbs,  or acupuncture, or even different types of yoga breathing.
It's a little bit hard to explain.
I guess mostly the herbal thing is  a large part of it.
But it gets into deeper theories where they, talk about the body's entire system being out of balance.
So, if you get a headache, it might not be the thing to do to just take a painkiller, but find out  what level your body is out of balance and correct that.