The Most Terrifying Day of My Life


While you listen

oCoder Education - English listening Audios are suitable for learners with different levels of English. Here are some ways to make them easier (if you have a lower level of English) or more difficult (if you have a higher level of English).
You can choose one or two of these suggestions – you don't have to follow all of them!

Making it easier

Read all the exercises before you listen to the audio.
Look up the words in the exercises that you don't know or don't understand in a dictionary.
Play the audio as many times as you need.
Play each part of the audio separately.
Answer all questions in the exercise.
Read the transcript after you have listened to the audio.

Making it harder

Listen to the audio before you read the exercises.
Only play the audio once before answering the questions.
Play the whole audio without a break.
Don't read the transcript.
Now, listen to the audio and do the exercises on the following tabs.
If you do not complete all the question, you can play the audio again. After that, read the dialog to make sure that you understand all word in the audio.
What did the speaker's father do right after work on this day?
Ran into the woods
Went to the hospital
Went to the garden
Fixed his car
Who did the speaker's father first encounter at the back door?
The speaker's mother
The workers
Their neighbours
Why does the speaker mention that some of the people 'settled down for a meal'?
Because they didn't know what was happening
Because they were relaxing after a difficult event
Because they didn't want anything else
Because they were acting like they lived there
What does the speaker say was taken from her home?
Two cars
One thousand British pounds
The television
What does the speaker say about the police?
They caught the criminals at their neighbours' house.
They care more about rich people.
They gave her father a gun.
They refused to help her father.
What is the main purpose of the speaker's talk?
To describe when her family was robbed
To describe a terrible car accident
To discuss why guns are very dangerous
To discuss problems in the police department

When I was ten years old, um, one day my dad came from work and, uh, he parked the car, and changed his clothes.
Changed into a pair of overalls that he could go into the garden with.
And we were living on a very big piece of land.
There was, fifteen acres.
Most of it under farming.
And he went down into the garden to check on what the workers were doing.
And it was around three pm when he got home.
Um, that night my mom kept saying that she was feeling nervous.
She was feeling uncomfortable and she felt watched as she was walking about in the compound.

And, we settled very late, at around eleven PM then my dad heard some scratching noises at the back door.
And he thought it was my mum who had gone out to check on something.
But as he approached the door a sword came through the door and, cut him just above the lef_ the, left eye.
And, he starting retreating.
He refused to open the door, and the door c- caved in.
By then he was, up in the ceiling, and he was running along through the house.
And there, were stones being thrown through the ceiling, because it was made of soft material.
And, uh, he jumped out of the ceiling into the kitchen, and he crashed onto the cooker, fell on the floor and he jumped out_ got out of the house and ran to go get the neighbors.

In the meantime, about nine thieves had entered the house.
They hadn't bothered to wear any masks.
All the lights were on in the house.
And we had scampered and gone into my mom's room, where we were hiding.
Um, there was nine children all of_ all together.
Three of them my stepmother's, and six were my mothers.
My stepmother was not home that day.
And, uh... the thieves came to the bedroom.
They crashed in_ into the door.
And, they wanted my mom to give them money.
Only they weren't sure which of us was my mom.
Because some of us are very tall.
Mom's not a very big lady.
So, they beat us all up, and_ in the meantime some of them_ there were others outside, that we didn't know about.

They had caught my dad running_ running through the woods.
And they had broken his arms and legs.
And, they cut him in several places, including his head.
And they brought him back, literally in pieces.
They brought him back, and, they were demanding to have the car keys, and money.
And they weren't going to leave until, he'd given them that.

In the meantime the rest of them heated some food in the kitchen and settled down for a meal.
And they were behaving like they actually lived there.
So we didn't know how long they were_ it was going to continue.
And, um... In the end my mom told them where the money was.
There was just a little money.
The equivalent of eighty pence.
That's all she had in her purse at the time.
There was no more money in the house.
We weren't very rich.
And my dad gave them, a thousand shillings, which is about ten U-K pounds.
And, they were satisfied with that.

They stole all the things that they could carry.
Including electrical equipment.
Uh, they broke the television.
They slashed the sofa set, and they destroyed anything that they couldn't take with them.
And they stole two cars, and they drove off.

And, my dad, my dad couldn't walk so my mother went and got help.
And he was taken to hospital by the police.
Now, the police arrived two hours after they were called.
And they came to the neighbors first.
Dropped off some people there to protect the neighbour, because, he is a rich man, and he was a minister.
So, they protected him first before they came to check on what was happening.
So in the end my dad, went to hospital.
He went to a very poor hospital because that's where the police took him.
And they stitched_ they stitched him without any anaesthetic.
And they mended_ they put plasters over the limbs that were broken.
And he came home the same day.
And, uh, since that time my dad has always kept a gun in the house.
And he decided to protect himself because, police won't protect him.
And, that has been a cause of a lot of distress in my family.
Where to this day he still keeps a gun.
And he threatens anybody with it, including his own children.