Task 2 - Mobile phone

Task 2
The mobile phone is used both for work and personal phone calls at all times of the day, every day of the week. Do you think this has more positive or negative effects both for individuals and society?
Essay Plan:
• Introduction: agree that mobile phones are used all the time for business and social calls. The positive effects outweigh the negative effects.
• Paragraph 2: negative effects. (1) inconsiderate use disturbs others – examples: train journeys, concerts
• Paragraph 3: positive effects. (1) business – improved efficiency in production, transportation and sales, because of rapid transactions – boosts the whole economy – society benefits. (2) personal calls – keep in touch with family and friends anytime, for important things or just for a chat – individuals benefit.
• Conclusion: there are negative aspects, but there are more positive ones.
It is true that mobile phones are now used all the time for business and social purposes. While there are some negative impacts on both individuals and society as a whole, I would argue that these are outweighed by the positive effects.
There is one major negative aspect of the way in which mobile phones are often used. In order to live in harmony with one another in society, people must show consideration for others, especially in public places. Personally, for example, I do not consider that using a mobile phone to make small talk in a loud voice is socially acceptable. While some people may have a laid-backattitudeto such discourteous behaviour, I have frequently argued with fellow passengers on buses or trains who chat endlessly at the top of their voices on their phones, oblivious to all around them. Fortunately, codes of conduct are strictly enforced in cinemas, theatres and concert halls, where mobile phones must be switched off.
However, most people would say that their mobile phone enables them to do so many things which improve their lifestyle. Entrepreneurs argue that it is easier to conduct their business outside the office if customers or employees can contact them instantly, for example to place an order or to arrive at a quick decision. With the rapid transactions made possible by mobile phones, the improved efficiency of production, transportation and sales boosts the whole economy. Fewer firms go out of business and everyone is able to earn a living. Individuals also benefit, taking into accountthe ease with which they can contact friends and family, whether for important matters or just for a chat.
In conclusion, I believe that mobile phones have had huge positive impacts on society, despite their inconsiderate use by a minority.
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